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Aktuelle Bestseller im Genre Recht

Roman Law in European History von Cambridge University Press
Roman Law in European History
gefunden bei Amazon
32,40 €
Zum Shop
The Climate Casino: Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World
The Climate Casino: Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
13,99 €
Zum Shop
The Power of Labelling: How People are Categorized and Why It Matters von Routledge
The Power of Labelling: How People are Categorized and Why It Matters
gefunden bei Amazon
43,93 €
Zum Shop
Helping Children Survive Divorce: What to Expect; How to Help
Helping Children Survive Divorce: What to Expect; How to Help
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
17,45 €
Zum Shop
Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks For Dummies
Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks For Dummies
gefunden bei medimops
6,99 €
Zum Shop
There's No Such Thing as Free Speech: And It's a Good Thing, Too von OUP USA
There's No Such Thing as Free Speech: And It's a Good Thing, Too
gefunden bei Amazon
26,54 €
Zum Shop
Scientific Authorship: Credit and Intellectual Property in Science von Routledge
Scientific Authorship: Credit and Intellectual Property in Science
gefunden bei Amazon
52,35 €
Zum Shop
International Police Cooperation: Emerging Issues, Theory and Practice von Routledge
International Police Cooperation: Emerging Issues, Theory and Practice
gefunden bei Amazon
59,80 €
Zum Shop
The Phoenician Women: Euripides (Greek Tragedy in New Translations)
The Phoenician Women: Euripides (Greek Tragedy in New Translations)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
13,56 €
Zum Shop
The Oxford Handbook of Sentencing and Corrections (Oxford Handbooks) (Oxford Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice) von OUP USA
The Oxford Handbook of Sentencing and Corrections (Oxford Handbooks) (Oxford Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice)
gefunden bei Amazon
61,36 €
Zum Shop
Game Theory and the Law von Harvard University Press
Game Theory and the Law
gefunden bei Amazon
45,38 €
Zum Shop
Legal Writing in Plain English, Second Edition: A Text With Exercises (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, & Publishing)
Legal Writing in Plain English, Second Edition: A Text With Exercises (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, & Publishing)
gefunden bei medimops
15,39 €
Zum Shop
Judges Against Justice: On Judges When the Rule of Law is Under Attack
Judges Against Justice: On Judges When the Rule of Law is Under Attack
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
97,99 €
Zum Shop
Exploring the 'Legal' in Socio-Legal Studies (Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies)
Exploring the 'Legal' in Socio-Legal Studies (Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
117,69 €
Zum Shop
Developmental Psychology for Family Law Professionals: Theory, Application, and the Best Intersts of the Child: Theory, Application and the Best Interests of the Child von Springer Publishing Company
Developmental Psychology for Family Law Professionals: Theory, Application, and the Best Intersts of the Child: Theory, Application and the Best Interests of the Child
gefunden bei Amazon
63,13 €
Zum Shop
War, Politics, and Philanthropy: The History of Rehabilitation Medicine von University Press of America
War, Politics, and Philanthropy: The History of Rehabilitation Medicine
gefunden bei Amazon
59,85 €
Zum Shop
Social Security as a Human Right: Drafting a General Comment on Article 9 ICESCR - Some Challenges (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsches, ... Heidelberg und Mannheim, 26, Band 26) von Springer
Social Security as a Human Right: Drafting a General Comment on Article 9 ICESCR - Some Challenges (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsches, ... Heidelberg und Mannheim, 26, Band 26)
gefunden bei Amazon
103,50 €
Zum Shop
Rationality and the Genetic Challenge: Making People Better? (Cambridge Law, Medicine, and Ethics, 11, Band 11) von Cambridge University Press
Rationality and the Genetic Challenge: Making People Better? (Cambridge Law, Medicine, and Ethics, 11, Band 11)
von Häyry, Matti
gefunden bei Amazon
46,67 €
Zum Shop
Dsm-5® and the Law: Changes and Challenges
Dsm-5® and the Law: Changes and Challenges
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
55,72 €
Zum Shop
Life's Dominion: An Argument About Abortion, Euthanasia, and Individual Freedom
Life's Dominion: An Argument About Abortion, Euthanasia, and Individual Freedom
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
13,70 €
Zum Shop
Sedation at the End-of-life: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Philosophy and Medicine, 116, Band 116)
Sedation at the End-of-life: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Philosophy and Medicine, 116, Band 116)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
53,49 €
Zum Shop
Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks For Dummies
Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks For Dummies
gefunden bei medimops
6,99 €
Zum Shop
Scientific Authorship: Credit and Intellectual Property in Science von Routledge
Scientific Authorship: Credit and Intellectual Property in Science
gefunden bei Amazon
52,35 €
Zum Shop
The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World von Vintage
The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World
gefunden bei Amazon
14,95 €
Zum Shop
Language And Communicative Practices (Critical Essays in Anthropology Series)
Language And Communicative Practices (Critical Essays in Anthropology Series)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
68,55 €
Zum Shop
Skeletal Injury in the Child
Skeletal Injury in the Child
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
50,09 €
Zum Shop
The Unitary EU Patent System (Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law)
The Unitary EU Patent System (Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
84,00 €
Zum Shop
Taxation of Income from Domestic and Cross-border Collective Investment: A Qualitative and Qua...
Taxation of Income from Domestic and Cross-border Collective Investment: A Qualitative and Qua...
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
52,31 €
Zum Shop
International Law
International Law
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
4,72 €
Zum Shop
Great Powers and Outlaw States: Unequal Sovereigns in the International Legal Order (CAMBRIDGE STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW NEW SERIES)
Great Powers and Outlaw States: Unequal Sovereigns in the International Legal Order (CAMBRIDGE STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW NEW SERIES)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
46,08 €
Zum Shop
The Statehood of Palestine: International Law in the Middle East Conflict von Cambridge University Press
The Statehood of Palestine: International Law in the Middle East Conflict
gefunden bei AMZN_Retail
28,71 €
Zum Shop
Principles of International Investment Law
Principles of International Investment Law
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
52,43 €
Zum Shop
Lawfare: Law as a Weapon of War
Lawfare: Law as a Weapon of War
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
34,10 €
Zum Shop
Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards: Self-Determination, Culture and Land (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Band 52) von Cambridge University Press
Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards: Self-Determination, Culture and Land (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Band 52)
gefunden bei AMZN_Retail
39,95 €
Zum Shop
Transitional Justice Theories von Routledge
Transitional Justice Theories
gefunden bei Amazon
48,81 €
Zum Shop
Rule By Law: The Politics of Courts in Authoritarian Regimes von Cambridge University Press
Rule By Law: The Politics of Courts in Authoritarian Regimes
gefunden bei Amazon
42,35 €
Zum Shop
Imperialism Sovrgnty Mkg Intl Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, 37, Band 37) von Cambridge University Press
Imperialism Sovrgnty Mkg Intl Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, 37, Band 37)
gefunden bei Amazon
37,40 €
Zum Shop
Law And Religion In Europe: A Comparative Introduction von Oxford University Press
Law And Religion In Europe: A Comparative Introduction
gefunden bei Amazon
21,06 €
Zum Shop
The Path of the Law von Martino Fine Books
The Path of the Law
gefunden bei Amazon
10,50 €
Zum Shop
History of the Yale Law School: The Tercentennial Lectures
History of the Yale Law School: The Tercentennial Lectures
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
18,31 €
Zum Shop
Legislative XML for the Semantic Web: Principles, Models, Standards for Document Management (Law, Governance and Technology Series, 4, Band 4) von Springer
Legislative XML for the Semantic Web: Principles, Models, Standards for Document Management (Law, Governance and Technology Series, 4, Band 4)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
81,99 €
Zum Shop
Legal Writing in Plain English, Second Edition: A Text With Exercises (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, & Publishing)
Legal Writing in Plain English, Second Edition: A Text With Exercises (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, & Publishing)
gefunden bei medimops
15,39 €
Zum Shop
Growth Is Dead: Now What?: Law firms on the brink von CREATESPACE
Growth Is Dead: Now What?: Law firms on the brink
gefunden bei Amazon
13,86 €
Zum Shop
ALWD Guide to Legal Citation (Aspen Coursebook)
ALWD Guide to Legal Citation (Aspen Coursebook)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
86,76 €
Zum Shop
A Clearing in the Forest: Law, Life, and Mind von University of Chicago Press
A Clearing in the Forest: Law, Life, and Mind
gefunden bei Amazon
38,52 €
Zum Shop
Roman Law in European History von Cambridge University Press
Roman Law in European History
gefunden bei Amazon
32,40 €
Zum Shop
The Phoenician Women: Euripides (Greek Tragedy in New Translations)
The Phoenician Women: Euripides (Greek Tragedy in New Translations)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
13,56 €
Zum Shop
Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century: A Middle Way between West and East von Polity
Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century: A Middle Way between West and East
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
18,99 €
Zum Shop
An Introduction To Comparative Law
An Introduction To Comparative Law
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
68,99 €
Zum Shop
The Spirit of Islamic Law (The Spirit of the Laws)
The Spirit of Islamic Law (The Spirit of the Laws)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
25,84 €
Zum Shop
From Normativity to Responsibility
From Normativity to Responsibility
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
41,29 €
Zum Shop
Cosmopolitan Political Thought: Method, Practice, Discipline
Cosmopolitan Political Thought: Method, Practice, Discipline
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
11,15 €
Zum Shop
Sex And Gender In The Legal Process
Sex And Gender In The Legal Process
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
64,90 €
Zum Shop
Law as Culture: An Invitation von Princeton University Press
Law as Culture: An Invitation
gefunden bei Amazon
30,99 €
Zum Shop
The Making of Law: An Ethnography of the Conseil d'Etat von Wiley
The Making of Law: An Ethnography of the Conseil d'Etat
gefunden bei Amazon
24,90 €
Zum Shop
Rule of Law, Misrule of Men (Boston Review Books)
Rule of Law, Misrule of Men (Boston Review Books)
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
3,94 €
Zum Shop
Great Powers and Outlaw States: Unequal Sovereigns in the International Legal Order (CAMBRIDGE STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW NEW SERIES)
Great Powers and Outlaw States: Unequal Sovereigns in the International Legal Order (CAMBRIDGE STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW NEW SERIES)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
46,08 €
Zum Shop
The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 1963-1965: Genocide, History, and the Limits of the Law von Cambridge University Press
The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 1963-1965: Genocide, History, and the Limits of the Law
gefunden bei Amazon
31,50 €
Zum Shop
International Law and its Others von Cambridge University Press
International Law and its Others
gefunden bei Amazon
52,51 €
Zum Shop
Schmitthoff: The Law and Practice of International Trade
Schmitthoff: The Law and Practice of International Trade
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
58,55 €
Zum Shop
Field Manual FM 3-34 Engineer Operations April 2014 von CREATESPACE
Field Manual FM 3-34 Engineer Operations April 2014
gefunden bei Amazon
15,04 €
Zum Shop
An Introduction to EU Competition Law von Cambridge University Press
An Introduction to EU Competition Law
gefunden bei Amazon
44,34 €
Zum Shop
Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering Handbook
Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering Handbook
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
95,99 €
Zum Shop
General Principles of Law (Grotius Classic Reprint)
General Principles of Law (Grotius Classic Reprint)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
57,43 €
Zum Shop
Entrusted: Building a Legacy That Lasts
Entrusted: Building a Legacy That Lasts
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
23,40 €
Zum Shop
International Police Cooperation: Emerging Issues, Theory and Practice von Routledge
International Police Cooperation: Emerging Issues, Theory and Practice
gefunden bei Amazon
59,80 €
Zum Shop
The Oxford Handbook of Sentencing and Corrections (Oxford Handbooks) (Oxford Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice) von OUP USA
The Oxford Handbook of Sentencing and Corrections (Oxford Handbooks) (Oxford Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice)
gefunden bei Amazon
61,36 €
Zum Shop
Bobby on the Beat von Penguin
Bobby on the Beat
gefunden bei Amazon
9,00 €
Zum Shop
Criminal Justice (Clarendon Law) (Clarendon Law Series)
Criminal Justice (Clarendon Law) (Clarendon Law Series)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
56,04 €
Zum Shop
Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Case: Should America Have Capital Punishment? the Experts on Both Sides Make Their Best Case
Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Case: Should America Have Capital Punishment? the Experts on Both Sides Make Their Best Case
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
16,51 €
Zum Shop
Restorative Juvenile Justice: An Exploration of the Restorative Justice Paradigm for Reforming...
Restorative Juvenile Justice: An Exploration of the Restorative Justice Paradigm for Reforming...
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
1,88 €
Zum Shop
Punishment and Modern Society: A Study In Social Theory (Studies in Crime & Justice)
Punishment and Modern Society: A Study In Social Theory (Studies in Crime & Justice)
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
11,15 €
Zum Shop
The Making of Law: An Ethnography of the Conseil d'Etat von Wiley
The Making of Law: An Ethnography of the Conseil d'Etat
gefunden bei Amazon
24,90 €
Zum Shop
Jeremy Hutchinson's Case Histories: From Lady Chatterley's Lover to Howard Marks. Nominiert: CWA Daggers: Non-fiction 2016 von John Murray
Jeremy Hutchinson's Case Histories: From Lady Chatterley's Lover to Howard Marks. Nominiert: CWA Daggers: Non-fiction 2016
gefunden bei Amazon
12,52 €
Zum Shop
Transitional Justice Theories von Routledge
Transitional Justice Theories
gefunden bei Amazon
48,81 €
Zum Shop
The Climate Casino: Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World
The Climate Casino: Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
13,99 €
Zum Shop
Handbook of the Politics of the Arctic von Edward Elgar Publishing
Handbook of the Politics of the Arctic
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
7,65 €
Zum Shop
Our Common Future (Oxford Paperbacks)
Our Common Future (Oxford Paperbacks)
gefunden bei medimops
7,49 €
Zum Shop
International Governance of the Arctic Marine Environment: With Particular Emphasis on High Seas Fisheries (Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs, Band 27) von Springer
International Governance of the Arctic Marine Environment: With Particular Emphasis on High Seas Fisheries (Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs, Band 27)
gefunden bei Amazon
106,72 €
Zum Shop
A Theory of Intergenerational Justice von Routledge
A Theory of Intergenerational Justice
gefunden bei Amazon
62,28 €
Zum Shop
The Law Machine von Penguin
The Law Machine
gefunden bei Amazon
12,50 €
Zum Shop
Handbook of Multicultural Negotiation von JOSSEY-BASS
Handbook of Multicultural Negotiation
gefunden bei Amazon
84,21 €
Zum Shop
Legal Architecture: Justice, Due Process and the Place of Law
Legal Architecture: Justice, Due Process and the Place of Law
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
57,18 €
Zum Shop
The Selection And Tenure Of Judges (The Judicial Administration Series)
The Selection And Tenure Of Judges (The Judicial Administration Series)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
66,81 €
Zum Shop
Packing the Court: The Rise of Judicial Power and the Coming Crisis of the Supreme Court
Packing the Court: The Rise of Judicial Power and the Coming Crisis of the Supreme Court
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
23,55 €
Zum Shop
Lawyers, Liars and the Art of Storytelling: Using Stories to Advocate, Influence, and Persuade
Lawyers, Liars and the Art of Storytelling: Using Stories to Advocate, Influence, and Persuade
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
22,57 €
Zum Shop
Courts under Constraints: Judges, Generals, and Presidents in Argentina (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Courts under Constraints: Judges, Generals, and Presidents in Argentina (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
28,89 €
Zum Shop
The Royal Prerogative and the Learning of the Inns of Court (Cambridge Studies in English and Legal History)
The Royal Prerogative and the Learning of the Inns of Court (Cambridge Studies in English and Legal History)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
43,17 €
Zum Shop
Water's Edge: Domestic Politics and the Making of American Foreign Policy (Contributions in Political Science)
Water's Edge: Domestic Politics and the Making of American Foreign Policy (Contributions in Political Science)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
65,92 €
Zum Shop
The Little Book of Dialogue for Difficult Subjects: A Practical, Hands-On Guide (Justice and Peacebuilding)
The Little Book of Dialogue for Difficult Subjects: A Practical, Hands-On Guide (Justice and Peacebuilding)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
7,69 €
Zum Shop
The Power of Labelling: How People are Categorized and Why It Matters von Routledge
The Power of Labelling: How People are Categorized and Why It Matters
gefunden bei Amazon
43,93 €
Zum Shop
The Common Law Constitution (The Hamlyn Lectures) von Cambridge University Press
The Common Law Constitution (The Hamlyn Lectures)
gefunden bei Amazon
21,16 €
Zum Shop
Bridging Cultural Conflicts: A New Approach for a Changing World
Bridging Cultural Conflicts: A New Approach for a Changing World
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
40,07 €
Zum Shop
The Pig Farmer's Daughter and Other Tales of American Justice: Episodes of Racism and Sexism in the Courts from 1865 to the Present
The Pig Farmer's Daughter and Other Tales of American Justice: Episodes of Racism and Sexism in the Courts from 1865 to the Present
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
15,41 €
Zum Shop
Minority Accommodation through Territorial and Non-Territorial Autonomy (Minorities & Non-Territorial Autonomy) von Oxford University Press
Minority Accommodation through Territorial and Non-Territorial Autonomy (Minorities & Non-Territorial Autonomy)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
75,16 €
Zum Shop
The Failure of the Founding Fathers: Jefferson, Marshall, and the Rise of Presidential Democracy von Belknap Press
The Failure of the Founding Fathers: Jefferson, Marshall, and the Rise of Presidential Democracy
gefunden bei Amazon
27,50 €
Zum Shop
The Harm in Hate Speech (Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures) von Harvard University Press
The Harm in Hate Speech (Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures)
gefunden bei Amazon
21,61 €
Zum Shop
The Twilight of Constitutionalism? (Oxford Constitutional Theory)
The Twilight of Constitutionalism? (Oxford Constitutional Theory)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
63,72 €
Zum Shop
The European Court Of Justice (Academy Of European Law) (Academy of European Law Series) von Oxford University Press
The European Court Of Justice (Academy Of European Law) (Academy of European Law Series)
gefunden bei Amazon
49,55 €
Zum Shop
The Subjection of Women von CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
The Subjection of Women
gefunden bei Amazon
4,27 €
Zum Shop
Principles of Irish Contract Law von Clarus Press
Principles of Irish Contract Law
gefunden bei Amazon
86,25 €
Zum Shop
FIDIC Contracts: Law and Practice (Construction Practice) von Informa Law from Routledge
FIDIC Contracts: Law and Practice (Construction Practice)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
212,60 €
Zum Shop
Management of International Trade
Management of International Trade
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
23,67 €
Zum Shop
Key Aspects of German Employment and Labour Law
Key Aspects of German Employment and Labour Law
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
11,39 €
Zum Shop
Cases and Materials on Employment Law von Oxford University Press
Cases and Materials on Employment Law
gefunden bei Amazon
50,29 €
Zum Shop
A Really Basic Introduction to English Contract Law (Really Basic Introductions, Band 2) von CREATESPACE
A Really Basic Introduction to English Contract Law (Really Basic Introductions, Band 2)
gefunden bei Amazon
11,25 €
Zum Shop
Unexpected Circumstances in European Contract Law (The Common Core of European Private Law)
Unexpected Circumstances in European Contract Law (The Common Core of European Private Law)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
54,84 €
Zum Shop
An Introduction to EU Competition Law von Cambridge University Press
An Introduction to EU Competition Law
gefunden bei Amazon
44,34 €
Zum Shop
An Introduction to the Law of Torts (Clarendon Law) (Clarendon Law Series) von Oxford University Press, USA
An Introduction to the Law of Torts (Clarendon Law) (Clarendon Law Series)
gefunden bei AMZN_Retail
31,47 €
Zum Shop
European Developments in Corporate Criminal Liability (Routledge Advances in Criminology, 12, Band 12)
European Developments in Corporate Criminal Liability (Routledge Advances in Criminology, 12, Band 12)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
59,79 €
Zum Shop
A Dictionary of Law (Oxford Quick Reference)
A Dictionary of Law (Oxford Quick Reference)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
19,49 €
Zum Shop