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Management & Führung

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Management & Führung

Aktuelle Bestseller im Genre Management & Führung

The Power of Intuition: How to Use Your Gut Feelings to Make Better Decisions at Work von Currency
The Power of Intuition: How to Use Your Gut Feelings to Make Better Decisions at Work
gefunden bei Amazon
17,85 €
Zum Shop
ZAG: The #1 Strategy of High-Performance Brands (One-Off) von New Riders
ZAG: The #1 Strategy of High-Performance Brands (One-Off)
gefunden bei Amazon
27,99 €
Zum Shop
Screw It, Let's Do It: Lessons in Life and Business
Screw It, Let's Do It: Lessons in Life and Business
gefunden bei medimops
3,99 €
Zum Shop
Chief Customer Officer 2.0: How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine
Chief Customer Officer 2.0: How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine
gefunden bei medimops
15,99 €
Zum Shop
The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: For Leaders of Change
The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: For Leaders of Change
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
28,70 €
Zum Shop
Workflow Modeling: Tools for Process Improvement and Applications, Second Edition: Tools for Process Improvement and Application Development: Tools for Process 2e von Artech House Publishers
Workflow Modeling: Tools for Process Improvement and Applications, Second Edition: Tools for Process Improvement and Application Development: Tools for Process 2e
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
75,00 €
Zum Shop
Be Bulletproof: How to achieve success in tough times at work
Be Bulletproof: How to achieve success in tough times at work
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
16,00 €
Zum Shop
The Case Interview: 20 Days to Ace the Case: Your Day-By-Day Prep Course to Land a Job in Management Consulting
The Case Interview: 20 Days to Ace the Case: Your Day-By-Day Prep Course to Land a Job in Management Consulting
gefunden bei medimops
9,99 €
Zum Shop
Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life
Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life
gefunden bei medimops
10,99 €
Zum Shop
What is Lean Six Sigma von McGraw-Hill Education
What is Lean Six Sigma
gefunden bei Amazon
13,48 €
Zum Shop
A First Course in Optimization von CRC Press
A First Course in Optimization
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
119,93 €
Zum Shop
Principles of Forecasting: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 30, Band 30)
Principles of Forecasting: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 30, Band 30)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
485,62 €
Zum Shop
Quality Control with R: An ISO Standards Approach (Use R!)
Quality Control with R: An ISO Standards Approach (Use R!)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
85,59 €
Zum Shop
Modeling and Simulation in Scilab/Scicos with ScicosLab 4.4
Modeling and Simulation in Scilab/Scicos with ScicosLab 4.4
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
48,99 €
Zum Shop
Sports Analytics: A Guide for Coaches, Managers, and Other Decision Makers
Sports Analytics: A Guide for Coaches, Managers, and Other Decision Makers
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
23,92 €
Zum Shop
Introduction to Stochastic Programming (Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering)
Introduction to Stochastic Programming (Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering)
gefunden bei medimops
56,49 €
Zum Shop
Ricerca Operativa (Unitext/Collana di Informatica) (Italian Edition) von Springer
Ricerca Operativa (Unitext/Collana di Informatica) (Italian Edition)
gefunden bei Amazon
45,99 €
Zum Shop
Practical Spreadsheet Risk Modeling for Management
Practical Spreadsheet Risk Modeling for Management
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
41,78 €
Zum Shop
Discrete-Time Markov Chains: Two-Time-Scale Methods and Applications (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability, Band 55) von Springer
Discrete-Time Markov Chains: Two-Time-Scale Methods and Applications (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability, Band 55)
gefunden bei Amazon
72,99 €
Zum Shop
Column Generation von Springer
Column Generation
gefunden bei Amazon
138,90 €
Zum Shop
The Power of Intuition: How to Use Your Gut Feelings to Make Better Decisions at Work von Currency
The Power of Intuition: How to Use Your Gut Feelings to Make Better Decisions at Work
gefunden bei Amazon
17,85 €
Zum Shop
Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances
Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances
gefunden bei medimops
27,99 €
Zum Shop
Blind Spots: Why We Fail to do What's Right and What to do About it von Princeton University Press
Blind Spots: Why We Fail to do What's Right and What to do About it
gefunden bei Amazon
17,99 €
Zum Shop
Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities
Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
26,28 €
Zum Shop
How Successful People Win: Turn Every Setback into a Step Forward
How Successful People Win: Turn Every Setback into a Step Forward
gefunden bei medimops
7,49 €
Zum Shop
Managing Change Across Corporate Cultures (Culture for Business Series) von Capstone
Managing Change Across Corporate Cultures (Culture for Business Series)
gefunden bei Amazon
19,90 €
Zum Shop
The Skilled Facilitator: A Comprehensive Resource for Consultants, Facilitators, Managers, Trainers, and Coaches (Jossey Bass Business & Management Series)
The Skilled Facilitator: A Comprehensive Resource for Consultants, Facilitators, Managers, Trainers, and Coaches (Jossey Bass Business & Management Series)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
39,93 €
Zum Shop
The Accidental Analyst: Show Your Data Who's Boss
The Accidental Analyst: Show Your Data Who's Boss
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
1,31 €
Zum Shop
Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities
Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
21,99 €
Zum Shop
Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed, and How We Can Stick to the Plan
Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed, and How We Can Stick to the Plan
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
27,32 €
Zum Shop
Chief Customer Officer 2.0: How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine
Chief Customer Officer 2.0: How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine
gefunden bei medimops
15,99 €
Zum Shop
Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances
Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances
gefunden bei medimops
27,99 €
Zum Shop
Competitive Intelligence Advan
Competitive Intelligence Advan
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
13,51 €
Zum Shop
The Maxwell Daily Reader
The Maxwell Daily Reader
gefunden bei medimops
7,99 €
Zum Shop
Dear Chairman: Boardroom Battles and the Rise of Shareholder Activism von Business
Dear Chairman: Boardroom Battles and the Rise of Shareholder Activism
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
25,00 €
Zum Shop
Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind (The 99U Book Series)
Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind (The 99U Book Series)
gefunden bei medimops
2,99 €
Zum Shop
Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage in Human Consciousness
Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage in Human Consciousness
von Laloux, Frederic
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
40,73 €
Zum Shop
The New Leaders: Transforming the Art of Leadership von Sphere
The New Leaders: Transforming the Art of Leadership
gefunden bei Amazon
8,50 €
Zum Shop
How to Castrate a Bull: Unexpected Lessons on Risk, Growth, and Success in Business von JOSSEY-BASS
How to Castrate a Bull: Unexpected Lessons on Risk, Growth, and Success in Business
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
25,57 €
Zum Shop
Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization
Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization
gefunden bei medimops
7,99 €
Zum Shop
How To Value, Buy, Or Sell A Financial-Advisory Practice: A Manual On Mergers, Acquisitions, And Transition Planning (Bloomberg Financial) von Bloomberg Press
How To Value, Buy, Or Sell A Financial-Advisory Practice: A Manual On Mergers, Acquisitions, And Transition Planning (Bloomberg Financial)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
95,36 €
Zum Shop
Mergers and Acquisitions For Dummies
Mergers and Acquisitions For Dummies
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
10,63 €
Zum Shop
Reverse Mergers
Reverse Mergers
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
14,61 €
Zum Shop
Investment Banking Focus Notes (Wiley Finance)
Investment Banking Focus Notes (Wiley Finance)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
97,49 €
Zum Shop
Intelligent M & A: Navigating the Mergers and Acquisitions Minefield von Wiley
Intelligent M & A: Navigating the Mergers and Acquisitions Minefield
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
32,90 €
Zum Shop
Design of Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage
Design of Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage
gefunden bei medimops
20,49 €
Zum Shop
Competitive Engineering: A Handbook for Systems Engineering, Requirements Engineering, and Software Engineering Using Planguage von Butterworth-Heinemann
Competitive Engineering: A Handbook for Systems Engineering, Requirements Engineering, and Software Engineering Using Planguage
gefunden bei Amazon
48,10 €
Zum Shop
Manipulation on Trial: Economic Analysis and the Hunt Silver Case von Cambridge University Press
Manipulation on Trial: Economic Analysis and the Hunt Silver Case
gefunden bei AMZN_Retail
63,80 €
Zum Shop
Theories of Corporate Governance: The Philosophical Foundations of Corporate Gevernance von Routledge
Theories of Corporate Governance: The Philosophical Foundations of Corporate Gevernance
gefunden bei Amazon
76,68 €
Zum Shop
Business Ethics and the Natural Environment (Foundations of Business Ethics) von Wiley-Blackwell
Business Ethics and the Natural Environment (Foundations of Business Ethics)
gefunden bei Amazon
41,50 €
Zum Shop
Reinventing Lean: Introducing Lean Management into the Supply Chain von Butterworth-Heinemann
Reinventing Lean: Introducing Lean Management into the Supply Chain
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
77,23 €
Zum Shop
ZAG: The #1 Strategy of High-Performance Brands (One-Off) von New Riders
ZAG: The #1 Strategy of High-Performance Brands (One-Off)
gefunden bei Amazon
27,99 €
Zum Shop
Screw It, Let's Do It: Lessons in Life and Business
Screw It, Let's Do It: Lessons in Life and Business
gefunden bei medimops
3,99 €
Zum Shop
The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: For Leaders of Change
The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: For Leaders of Change
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
28,70 €
Zum Shop
Be Bulletproof: How to achieve success in tough times at work
Be Bulletproof: How to achieve success in tough times at work
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
16,00 €
Zum Shop
The Case Interview: 20 Days to Ace the Case: Your Day-By-Day Prep Course to Land a Job in Management Consulting
The Case Interview: 20 Days to Ace the Case: Your Day-By-Day Prep Course to Land a Job in Management Consulting
gefunden bei medimops
9,99 €
Zum Shop
What is Lean Six Sigma von McGraw-Hill Education
What is Lean Six Sigma
gefunden bei Amazon
13,48 €
Zum Shop
Competitive Intelligence Advan
Competitive Intelligence Advan
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
13,51 €
Zum Shop
Changing Conversations in Organizations: A Complexity Approach to Change (Complexity and Emergence Inorganisations, 6) von Routledge
Changing Conversations in Organizations: A Complexity Approach to Change (Complexity and Emergence Inorganisations, 6)
gefunden bei Amazon
68,55 €
Zum Shop
Building Team Spirit: Activities for Inspiring and Energizing Teams
Building Team Spirit: Activities for Inspiring and Energizing Teams
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
54,67 €
Zum Shop
Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People
Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
23,33 €
Zum Shop
The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: For Leaders of Change
The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: For Leaders of Change
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
28,70 €
Zum Shop
Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life
Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life
gefunden bei medimops
10,99 €
Zum Shop
The Maxwell Daily Reader
The Maxwell Daily Reader
gefunden bei medimops
7,99 €
Zum Shop
Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations: Negotiating with Difficult People
Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations: Negotiating with Difficult People
gefunden bei medimops
4,49 €
Zum Shop
The Yes Factor: Get What You Want. Say What You Mean. von Plume
The Yes Factor: Get What You Want. Say What You Mean.
gefunden bei Amazon
21,18 €
Zum Shop
Dream Year: Make the Leap from a Job You Hate to a Life You Love
Dream Year: Make the Leap from a Job You Hate to a Life You Love
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
19,38 €
Zum Shop
How Successful People Win: Turn Every Setback into a Step Forward
How Successful People Win: Turn Every Setback into a Step Forward
gefunden bei medimops
7,49 €
Zum Shop
Think and Grow Rich: The Original Classic (Capstone Classics) von Wiley
Think and Grow Rich: The Original Classic (Capstone Classics)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
12,90 €
Zum Shop
The 3 Gaps: Are You Making a Difference?
The 3 Gaps: Are You Making a Difference?
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
11,33 €
Zum Shop
Lead the Field von
Lead the Field
gefunden bei Amazon
16,20 €
Zum Shop
Talent on Demand
Talent on Demand
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
34,07 €
Zum Shop
Re-Thinking the Future of Work: Directions and Visions (Management, Work and Organisations)
Re-Thinking the Future of Work: Directions and Visions (Management, Work and Organisations)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
89,83 €
Zum Shop
Segmentation, Revenue Management and Pricing Analytics von Routledge
Segmentation, Revenue Management and Pricing Analytics
gefunden bei Amazon
84,49 €
Zum Shop
20/20 Foresight: Crafting Strategy in an Uncertain World: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels
20/20 Foresight: Crafting Strategy in an Uncertain World: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
24,12 €
Zum Shop
The Great Stagnation: How America Ate All the Low-hanging Fruit of Modern History, Got Sick, a...
The Great Stagnation: How America Ate All the Low-hanging Fruit of Modern History, Got Sick, a...
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
7,36 €
Zum Shop
Marketing Imagination: New, Expanded Edition
Marketing Imagination: New, Expanded Edition
gefunden bei medimops
4,99 €
Zum Shop
Get There Early: Sensing the Future to Compete in the Present
Get There Early: Sensing the Future to Compete in the Present
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
14,00 €
Zum Shop
Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology
Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology
gefunden bei medimops
11,99 €
Zum Shop
Big Data Analytics Beyond Hadoop: Real-Time Applications With Storm, Spark, and More Hadoop Alternatives
Big Data Analytics Beyond Hadoop: Real-Time Applications With Storm, Spark, and More Hadoop Alternatives
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
132,55 €
Zum Shop
Management of International Trade
Management of International Trade
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
50,72 €
Zum Shop
The Definitive Guide to Inventory Management: Principles and Strategies for the Efficient Flow of Inventory across the Supply Chain (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals)
The Definitive Guide to Inventory Management: Principles and Strategies for the Efficient Flow of Inventory across the Supply Chain (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
80,64 €
Zum Shop
Asset Management: The State of the Art in Europe from a Life Cycle Perspective (Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality) von Springer
Asset Management: The State of the Art in Europe from a Life Cycle Perspective (Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
97,97 €
Zum Shop
Social Media Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality
Social Media Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
123,00 €
Zum Shop
Column Generation von Springer
Column Generation
gefunden bei Amazon
138,90 €
Zum Shop
Reinventing Lean: Introducing Lean Management into the Supply Chain von Butterworth-Heinemann
Reinventing Lean: Introducing Lean Management into the Supply Chain
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
77,23 €
Zum Shop
DOE Simplified: Practical Tools for Effective Experimentation: Practical Tools for Effective Experimentation, Second Edition
DOE Simplified: Practical Tools for Effective Experimentation: Practical Tools for Effective Experimentation, Second Edition
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
52,00 €
Zum Shop
Intakes and Outfalls for Seawater Reverse-Osmosis Desalination Facilities: Innovations and Environmental Impacts (Environmental Science and Engineering)
Intakes and Outfalls for Seawater Reverse-Osmosis Desalination Facilities: Innovations and Environmental Impacts (Environmental Science and Engineering)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
199,00 €
Zum Shop
Workflow Modeling: Tools for Process Improvement and Applications, Second Edition: Tools for Process Improvement and Application Development: Tools for Process 2e von Artech House Publishers
Workflow Modeling: Tools for Process Improvement and Applications, Second Edition: Tools for Process Improvement and Application Development: Tools for Process 2e
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
75,00 €
Zum Shop
Effective Opportunity Management for Projects: Exploiting Positive Risk (Center for Business Practices, Band 6) von CRC Press
Effective Opportunity Management for Projects: Exploiting Positive Risk (Center for Business Practices, Band 6)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
184,99 €
Zum Shop
PfMP (R) Exam Practice Tests and Study Guide (Best Practices and Advances in Program Management)
PfMP (R) Exam Practice Tests and Study Guide (Best Practices and Advances in Program Management)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
74,01 €
Zum Shop
Program Management (Fundamentals of Project Management) von Routledge
Program Management (Fundamentals of Project Management)
gefunden bei Amazon
57,35 €
Zum Shop
The Project Manager: Mastering the Art of Delivery (2nd Edition) von Financial Times
The Project Manager: Mastering the Art of Delivery (2nd Edition)
gefunden bei Amazon
28,99 €
Zum Shop
Getting Started in Project Management von Wiley
Getting Started in Project Management
gefunden bei Amazon
19,71 €
Zum Shop
The Rational Project Manager: A Thinking Team's Guide To Getting Work Done
The Rational Project Manager: A Thinking Team's Guide To Getting Work Done
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
32,11 €
Zum Shop
Project Management Case Studies, Fourth Edition
Project Management Case Studies, Fourth Edition
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
69,66 €
Zum Shop
Project Portfolio Management: A Practical Guide to Selecting Projects, Managing Portfolios, and Maximizing Benefits (Jossey-Bass Business & Management) von Wiley
Project Portfolio Management: A Practical Guide to Selecting Projects, Managing Portfolios, and Maximizing Benefits (Jossey-Bass Business & Management)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
73,90 €
Zum Shop
PRINCE2: A Practical Handbook
PRINCE2: A Practical Handbook
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
24,40 €
Zum Shop
What is Lean Six Sigma von McGraw-Hill Education
What is Lean Six Sigma
gefunden bei Amazon
13,48 €
Zum Shop
Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation von CRC Press
Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
59,97 €
Zum Shop
Just-in-Time for Operators (Shopfloor Series) von Routledge
Just-in-Time for Operators (Shopfloor Series)
gefunden bei Amazon
41,59 €
Zum Shop
Feedback Toolkit: 16 Tools for Better Communication in the Workplace von CRC Press
Feedback Toolkit: 16 Tools for Better Communication in the Workplace
gefunden bei Amazon
24,90 €
Zum Shop
A Factory of One von CRC Press
A Factory of One
gefunden bei Amazon
32,40 €
Zum Shop
The Customer-Driven Organization von CRC Press
The Customer-Driven Organization
gefunden bei Amazon
44,85 €
Zum Shop
The Product Wheel Handbook: Creating Balanced Flow in High-Mix Process Operations von CRC Press
The Product Wheel Handbook: Creating Balanced Flow in High-Mix Process Operations
gefunden bei Amazon
59,80 €
Zum Shop
Project Management, Second Edition (Briefcase Books Series)
Project Management, Second Edition (Briefcase Books Series)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
22,10 €
Zum Shop
Training Design Basics, 2nd Edition (ATD Training Basics)
Training Design Basics, 2nd Edition (ATD Training Basics)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
27,40 €
Zum Shop
Managing Performance Improvement von Routledge
Managing Performance Improvement
gefunden bei Amazon
28,59 €
Zum Shop
Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation von CRC Press
Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
59,97 €
Zum Shop
Six Sigma Workbook For Dummies von For Dummies
Six Sigma Workbook For Dummies
von Gygi
gefunden bei Amazon
16,90 €
Zum Shop
Developing Lean Leaders at all Levels: A Practical Guide von Lean Leadership Institute Publications
Developing Lean Leaders at all Levels: A Practical Guide
gefunden bei Amazon
28,94 €
Zum Shop
Workflow Modeling: Tools for Process Improvement and Applications, Second Edition: Tools for Process Improvement and Application Development: Tools for Process 2e von Artech House Publishers
Workflow Modeling: Tools for Process Improvement and Applications, Second Edition: Tools for Process Improvement and Application Development: Tools for Process 2e
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
75,00 €
Zum Shop
How to Castrate a Bull: Unexpected Lessons on Risk, Growth, and Success in Business von JOSSEY-BASS
How to Castrate a Bull: Unexpected Lessons on Risk, Growth, and Success in Business
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
25,57 €
Zum Shop
The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide, 3rd Edition von Wiley
The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide, 3rd Edition
gefunden bei Amazon
22,47 €
Zum Shop
Strategy execution: Translating Strategy into Action in Complex Organizations von Routledge
Strategy execution: Translating Strategy into Action in Complex Organizations
gefunden bei Amazon
59,80 €
Zum Shop
Hardball: Are You Playing to Play or Playing to Win?
Hardball: Are You Playing to Play or Playing to Win?
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
21,44 €
Zum Shop
The Poppy War: The award-winning epic fantasy trilogy that combines the history of China with a gripping world of gods and monsters von HarperVoyager
The Poppy War: The award-winning epic fantasy trilogy that combines the history of China with a gripping world of gods and monsters
gefunden bei Amazon
8,99 €
Zum Shop
Business Plans That Win $: Lessons from the MIT Enterprise Forum
Business Plans That Win $: Lessons from the MIT Enterprise Forum
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
19,69 €
Zum Shop
Investor's Paradox: The Power of Simplicity in a World of Overwhelming Choice
Investor's Paradox: The Power of Simplicity in a World of Overwhelming Choice
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
28,93 €
Zum Shop
Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare Enterprise von Springer
Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare Enterprise
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon
83,87 €
Zum Shop
The One Page Business Strategy: Streamline Your Business Plan in Four Simple Steps
The One Page Business Strategy: Streamline Your Business Plan in Four Simple Steps
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
10,99 €
Zum Shop
Informal Learning in Organizations: How to Create a Continuous Learning Culture von Kogan Page
Informal Learning in Organizations: How to Create a Continuous Learning Culture
gefunden bei Amazon
33,65 €
Zum Shop
Business Benchmark Advanced Personal Study Book for Bec and Bulats
Business Benchmark Advanced Personal Study Book for Bec and Bulats
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
19,85 €
Zum Shop
90 World-Class Activities by 90 World-Class Trainers
90 World-Class Activities by 90 World-Class Trainers
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
51,90 €
Zum Shop
Facilitation Skills Training (Astd Trainer's Workshop Series)
Facilitation Skills Training (Astd Trainer's Workshop Series)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
81,42 €
Zum Shop
Laugh and Learn: 95 Ways to Use Humor for More Effective Teaching and Training von Amacom
Laugh and Learn: 95 Ways to Use Humor for More Effective Teaching and Training
gefunden bei Amazon
17,99 €
Zum Shop
Coaching Questions: A Coach's Guide to Powerful Asking Skills
Coaching Questions: A Coach's Guide to Powerful Asking Skills
gefunden bei medimops
10,49 €
Zum Shop
Supervision in Coaching: Supervision, Ethics and Continuous Professional Development
Supervision in Coaching: Supervision, Ethics and Continuous Professional Development
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
37,40 €
Zum Shop
ROI Fundamentals: Why and When to Measure Return on Investment (Measurement and Evaluation) von Pfeiffer
ROI Fundamentals: Why and When to Measure Return on Investment (Measurement and Evaluation)
gefunden bei Amazon
46,65 €
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Tales for Trainers: Using Stories and Metaphors to Facilitate Learning von Kogan Page
Tales for Trainers: Using Stories and Metaphors to Facilitate Learning
gefunden bei Amazon
32,03 €
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Tourism Social Media: Transformations in Identity, Community and Culture (Tourism Social Science, 18, Band 18)
Tourism Social Media: Transformations in Identity, Community and Culture (Tourism Social Science, 18, Band 18)
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
174,35 €
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Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations: Negotiating with Difficult People
Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations: Negotiating with Difficult People
gefunden bei medimops
4,49 €
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The Science of Influence: How to Get Anyone to Say "Yes" in 8 Minutes or Less!
The Science of Influence: How to Get Anyone to Say "Yes" in 8 Minutes or Less!
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
19,26 €
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Everyday Negotiation: Navigating the Hidden Agendas in Bargaining (Jossey Bass Business & Management Series)
Everyday Negotiation: Navigating the Hidden Agendas in Bargaining (Jossey Bass Business & Management Series)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
22,90 €
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Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities
Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities
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21,99 €
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The Skilled Negotiator: Mastering the Language of Engagement von JOSSEY-BASS
The Skilled Negotiator: Mastering the Language of Engagement
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31,20 €
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Cross-Cultural Business Behavior: A Guide for Global Management
Cross-Cultural Business Behavior: A Guide for Global Management
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36,43 €
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Breakthrough Business Negotiation: A Toolbox for Managers
Breakthrough Business Negotiation: A Toolbox for Managers
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67,59 €
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The Dark Side of Organizational Behavior (J-B Siop Frontiers Series)
The Dark Side of Organizational Behavior (J-B Siop Frontiers Series)
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39,35 €
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Organizational Behaviour von Wiley
Organizational Behaviour
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67,54 €
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Persuasive Business Proposals: Writing to Win More Customers, Clients, and Contracts von Amacom
Persuasive Business Proposals: Writing to Win More Customers, Clients, and Contracts
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22,46 €
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Changing Conversations in Organizations: A Complexity Approach to Change (Complexity and Emergence Inorganisations, 6) von Routledge
Changing Conversations in Organizations: A Complexity Approach to Change (Complexity and Emergence Inorganisations, 6)
gefunden bei Amazon
68,55 €
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Strategien für das Pharma-Management: Konzepte, Fallbeispiele, Entscheidungshilfen von Gabler Verlag
Strategien für das Pharma-Management: Konzepte, Fallbeispiele, Entscheidungshilfen
gefunden bei Amazon
54,99 €
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Key Management Models (Financial Times)
Key Management Models (Financial Times)
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
39,53 €
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A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge: Version 2.0
A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge: Version 2.0
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
60,02 €
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Complete MBA For Dummies
Complete MBA For Dummies
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12,99 €
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Innovation: Die technologische Offensive von Gabler Verlag
Innovation: Die technologische Offensive
gefunden bei Amazon
54,99 €
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Familienunternehmen: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Eigentum und Fremdmanagement
Familienunternehmen: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Eigentum und Fremdmanagement
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59,99 €
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The Creativity Formula: 50 Scientifically-Proven Creativity Boosters for Work and for Life
The Creativity Formula: 50 Scientifically-Proven Creativity Boosters for Work and for Life
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
18,21 €
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Englische Wirtschaftstexte für Ausbildung und Beruf
Englische Wirtschaftstexte für Ausbildung und Beruf
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
14,69 €
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Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, And Postmodern Perspectives
Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, And Postmodern Perspectives
gefunden bei medimops
21,99 €
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