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- A.A. Long
- Abbott, Peter
- Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
- Abu El-Haj, Nadia
- Acheson, Dean
- Ackroyd, Peter
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- Adams, Mark
- Addas, Claude
- Adil, Hajjah Amina
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AA.A. LongAbbott, PeterAbdul-Rahman, Muhammad SaedAbu El-Haj, NadiaAcheson, DeanAckroyd, PeterActon, HaroldAdams, MarkAddas, ClaudeAdil, Hajjah AminaAdkins, LesleyAkinyemi, RowenaAkkermans, Peter M.M.Allah, WakeelAllen, Frederick LewisAllen, Stewart LeeAlpern, Stanley B.Alvarez, JuliaAmmianus MarcellinusAmorth, GabrieleAnderson, BenedictAnderson, Edward F.Anderson, Jon LeeAnderson, PerryAnderson, Terry H.Anonimo, AnonimoApuleisArendt, HannahAries, PhilippeAristoteleAristotleArjomand, Saïd Amir AmirArmstrong, SallyArmstrong, StephenArmy, United StatesArnold, DanaAshbee, Henry SpencerAshby, MuataAssmann, JanAtkinson, RickAuyero, JavierAvineriAzuela, MarianoBBaatz, SimonBabbish, ByronBabinger, FranzBach, RichardBailey, CatherineBaillargeon, NormandBaker, NicholsonBaker, RobBaldwin, DavidBaldwin, JamesBaldwin, James S.Bamford, JamesBar-Kochva, BezalelBarker, JulietBaron, BethBarrow, JohnBarsbyBarstow, Anne L.Bastiat, FrédericBauval, RobertBaxter, PeterBayat, AsefBayle, PierreBeattie, J. 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Illustrated History of Military Motorcycles: 100 Years of Wartime Motorcycles, from the First Machines of World War I to the Diesel-powered Types and Quad Bikes of Today, with 230 Photographs
von Ware, Pat
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11,00 €
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The Art of War: Deluxe silkbound edition (Arcturus Silkbound Classics)
von Tzu, Sun
gefunden bei Amazon
18,65 €
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Practical Junk Rig: Design, Aerodynamics and Handling
von Hasler, H.G.
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
61,09 €
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Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering Handbook
von O'Neill, Scott
Gebundene Ausgabe
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95,99 €
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Space Weapons, Earth Wars
von Preston, Bob
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24,56 €
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EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
von Adkins, Lesley
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16,50 €
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The Army of Herod the Great (Men-at-Arms, 443, Band 443)
von Rocca, Samuel
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20,57 €
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Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the Ottoman Empire, 1815-1914 (Human Rights and Crimes against Humanity)
von Rodogno, Davide
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29,99 €
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Women in the Middle East: Past and Present
von Keddie, Nikki R.
gefunden bei Amazon
30,28 €
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French Soldier in Egypt 1798-1801: The Army of the Orient (Warrior)
von Crowdy, Terry
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
22,90 €
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A Crate of Vodka: An Insider View on the 20 Years That Shaped Modern Russia: An Inside View on the 20 Years That Shaped Modern Russia
von Kokh, Alfred
Gebundene Ausgabe
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
47,80 €
Zum Shop
Resistance and Rebellion: Lessons from Eastern Europe (Studies in Rationality and Social Change, 37, Band 37)
von Petersen
gefunden bei Amazon
35,00 €
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